Monday, October 4, 2010

New Assets!

As I said earlier, I had some assets ready to be posted.  I just finished giving them the 3rd pass textures, critique as much as you want.  All three assets share the same 512 x 512 texture, but I'm thinking of maybe sizing it to 1024 x 1024 and including 2 more assets.  We'll see when that road gets here.

UV Snapshot Script Complete!

Hey guys and gals, I just finished up this sweet script that takes UV snapshots in maya and is much more useful than the built in maya uv snapshotter. Feel free to grab it through the link below, just read the included README and you'll be taking snapshots in no time!  I'll be back posting later with more assets! Keep following!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Back After A While!

Hey guys! Sorry for the lengthy update time, I was busy finishing up my level design class and getting ready for this new month of classes.  In the small amount of spare time I've had, I managed to put together a few assets for the demo reel level. The barricades were finished within an hour and a half, but the pipe gave me a bit of trouble trying to work out the perfect polycount to normal map ratio.  I eventually found something I felt comfortable with and painted the textures (all of these textures were mostly hand painted with photo overlays).  Feel free to comment below or shoot me an email if you see anything that you think is wrong or right!